Monday, 28 July 2014

Losing weight doesn't nescessarily mean you're comfortable in your own skin...

 I've been sick this past week but it's given me plenty of time to reflect...

As I was looking through some Facebook photos I came across loads of photos from a trip to Seattle in Spring 2012. I look great, well minus the braces and the unruly hair! I'd been working hard since January 2012 to improve what I ate and loose some weight through slimming world. Unbeknown to me, I actually lost weight on that trip and reached my goal/target weight, which is a full 10 pounds lighter than my weight at the moment.

You'd think I'd be really happy right?

The thing is, when I look back on this photos, I remember how uncomfortable I felt. I compared myself to all the other girls I met on that trip, I always felt way bigger than them, when in fact looking back at the photos I was the same size if not smaller than them.

Ironically, now, being at a different target weight and 10 pounds heavier, I feel so much more comfortable & confident. My weight is a lot more realistic for me to be able to maintain. But more than that, I've changed my mindset.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? So how can you ever view yourself as beautiful unless YOU believe it?

Forget the number on a scale, and try to work on how you view yourself. 

Slimming world has been so great by supporting me over the last 3 years while I figured out what my target weight was, I couldn't have done it without the support!

Much love, Beth xxx

Here's some photographic evidence ;)

Me in Seattle, Spring 2012:

Me in Spring/Summer 2014:

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